Did you know that AUGold provides coverage for projects already in progress, ensuring seamless protection throughout? Explore AUGold's builders' risk construction guidelines, successes, and learn how to request a quote today.
Residential and Commercial Risks: DP1/DP3, Basic/Special and HO3/HO8.
Renovation project cost - up to 150% of the building value.
General liability coverage for builders' renovation projects when the insured acts as the general contractor (GC) and is not directly involved in the physical work.
Lapse of coverage allowed with AUGold’approval on a case-by-case basis.
Addition of 2nd story is allowed.
Theft sub-limit for building materials available, $25K or $50K.
Vandalism and Malicious Mischief coverage.
Soft Costs, Property in Transit & Off-Site coverage, $10K sub-limit, included with COC.
Up to 6 locations for Builders Risk.
3, 6, 9, and 12-month policy terms.
How To Quote:
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When finished, hit submit for underwriting review
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