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Recent Success

Below is some recent underwriting success that we have had. Are you working on anything that you would like a quote for?

Hotel Less Than 4 Stories w. Pool

State: FL

Coverage: Wind

TIV: $1M

Premium: $52,867.50

School - London Underwriters

State: FL

Coverage: Commercial Package

# Bldgs: 16 

Premium: $298,362.55

Restaurant w. 75% of Alcohol Sales

State: FL

Coverage: Commercial Package + Liquor Liability 

Premium: $40,962.60

Rental Insurance - London Underwriters
Bicycles- Rented to Others

State: GA

Coverage: General Liability

TIV: $1M

Premium: $11,249.55

Email with your Acord forms for our underwriting team to assist you.

Security and Patrol Insurance - London Underwriters
Security & Patrol Agencies

State: GA

Coverage: Excess Liability 

Premium: $9,344.40

Insulation Work

State: NC

Coverage: General Liability

Premium: $15,122.03


State: FL

Coverage: Builders Risk

Premium: $14,781.75

Nursery Garden

State: FL

Coverage: Commercial Package

Premium: $7,294.15

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